How to Choose the Right Commercial Insurance Coverage for Your Business

You know you need commercial insurance for your business, but selecting the right coverage can quickly become confusing. At Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC in Uniontown, OH, we offer commercial insurance for businesses. 

Business Owner’s Policy

Most businesses will need a business owner’s policy. This can be customized to meet your needs, but it’s typically commercial property and general liability insurance. 

Commercial property insurance covers your business property. This could be a store, factory, or your office. The structure of your building and its contents, including business equipment, is covered. 

General liability insurance will protect you from most types of liability. If someone is injured on your property, this is covered under general liability. It also covers damage to customer’s property when they are at your business. 

Other Types of Liability Coverage 

You may need other types of liability coverage as well. Professional liability insurance will cover errors and omissions that you may make. For example, printing mistakes and accounting errors would be covered under this policy. 

If you make products, you may need product liability insurance. If a faulty product causes damage to a customer’s property or injures them, you’ll be covered under this policy. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

If you use a vehicle for your business, you’ll need commercial auto insurance. This includes transporting goods or equipment or passengers for a fee. 

If you use your vehicle for more than simply driving to work, you should consider a commercial auto policy. Your standard auto coverage won’t cover an accident that occurs during business operations, and a commercial auto policy also includes employees who may drive the vehicle. 

Commercial Insurance with Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC

If you live in Uniontown, OH, and need commercial insurance, contact Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC. We offer different types of commercial insurance to meet your and your business’s needs. 

Beyond Just The House: Other Things Home Insurance Protects

When the topic of home insurance arises, people often conjure images of protection against damages from fires, storms, or other disastrous events affecting their physical dwellings. Nonetheless, a comprehensive home insurance policy from Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, based in Uniontown, OH, provides much more than structural coverage. It’s crucial for homeowners to comprehend the full array of protections their policy offers, including these major ones:

Personal Property Coverage: Securing Your Belongings

A vital component of any home insurance policy is personal property coverage, which typically insures against the loss of or damage to your belongings. This coverage can shield items such as furniture, electronics, and clothing against a variety of hazards, including theft, fire, and smoke damage. While some policies cover your possessions only when they’re at your Uniontown, OH residence, at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, we frequently advocate for ‘worldwide coverage’ that extends beyond your residence.

Liability Protection: Shields Against the Unexpected

Personal liability coverage provides a financial safety net should someone become injured on your property or if you (or a family member) are held responsible for damaging another person’s property. It can cover medical bills, legal fees, and other expenses arising from covered incidents, which can include anything from common accidents on the property to more unusual cases such as defamation lawsuits and dog bites.

Additional Living Expenses: Support in Unforeseen Circumstances

In the unfortunate event that your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered disaster, the ‘additional living expenses’ coverage section of your policy may help cover the cost of temporary housing and additional expenses like food.

Ensure You Have The Protections You Need

It’s wise to examine your home insurance policy carefully to ensure it offers the necessary coverage. Contact us to speak with one of our experienced agents if you require assistance.

Review The Coverage Your Automotive Liability Policy Provides

How to Enhance Your Insurance Coverage for Traffic Accidents

When involved in a traffic accident, it’s important to understand the coverage provided by your insurance policy fully. Thoroughly review your policy details and consider an upgrade if additional coverage would be beneficial.

Understanding Your Insurance Documents

Your insurance provider has issued legally binding documents that detail the process of filing an insurance claim. Liability insurance plans cater for medical bills, repairs, and other direct expenses related to a traffic accident. In case you’re deemed responsible for an accident, your liability coverage will handle the costs you’re accountable for.

Evaluating Coverage Limits

The documentation provided by your insurance company will state a coverage limit, which represents the maximum amount payable on your behalf for the incurred expenses. Should these expenses surpass your insurance coverage limit, you’ll need to meet the additional costs from your pocket.

Assessing the Need for More Coverage

Long-distance driving or using your vehicle for towing might necessitate higher insurance coverage. Analyze your needs to determine whether expanding your current policy would be beneficial. You can utilize an insurance calculator to compare diverse coverage types and insurance rates.

Reaching Out for Help

If you require assistance updating your insurance policy or filing a claim, don’t hesitate to contact our agents at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC. Our team serving Uniontown, OH, is keen on guiding you through the process.

Classic Car Insurance is About More than Protecting Cars

Few things can transport us to another era, place, and time quite like a classic car can. From their definitive looks and style to their ability to transcend time, Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC can help protect these historical gems with smart Classic Car insurance solutions. That is also why classic car owners across the Uniontown, OH area turn to the professional team at the Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC.

Ride in Style with Classic Car Insurance

It doesn’t matter if you take your classic car out to a car show every week or if it rarely leaves the garage because classic car insurance can ensure that you and your sweet ride can continue to ride in style. Even a fender bender for a modern car can result in pricey repairs. Unfortunately, for classic cars, those repairs can be even more costly. With the right insurance, however, classic car owners can get coverage to help get their circa 1900-something ride back on the road or safely back in the garage.

Classic Car Insurance is About More than Protecting Cars

Most classic car owners have a passion for classic cars. From a bygone era they might represent to the beautiful work of art and quality manufacturing they embody, for classic car owners, classic car insurance is about more than protecting vehicles, it is also about protecting history, an American pastime, and an appreciation for something great.

If you are a classic car owner and live in or around the Uniontown, OH area, then the Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC team can help with all your classic car insurance questions and needs. Contact us today to find out how we can help and for the insurance you and your classic ride deserve.

Here’s What Your RV Insurance Does When You Go Camping

If you plan on going camping with your RV soon, it’s important to contact us at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC to learn more about how insurance can help. When you’re camping, your Uniontown, OH area RV policy can protect you from a myriad of common problems and keep you safe.

Liability Coverage

If you host people during your camping trip and they get hurt in your RV, your insurance policy should protect you. Furthermore, it can also help you if you get into an accident with your RV and can minimize the amount of money you have to spend on this process.

Collision Protection 

If you get into a crash and you’re not to blame, your policy may help you if the other driver lacks a suitable policy. It may also help you if you damage property, such as campground items, while driving and end up causing serious long-term damage. 

Camping Damage Protection

Did your RV get damaged by unexpected weather changes, like snow, ice, and even high winds? Your insurance can help keep you safe by minimizing how much you have to pay. You’ll get support repairing these issues to mitigate any long-term problems.

Roadside Coverage

Are you worried about what happens if your vehicle breaks down on the side of the road? That’s understandable, and you can avoid serious issues by getting insurance. Most have roadside protection that includes towing, gas delivery, and even help to get you going again.

Keep Yourself Safe

Call us at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC to get the Uniontown, OH RV protection that you need for your vehicle. Our team will sit down with you, talk about your protection, and find a way to support your needs. It’s our goal to provide the long-term help that you need for your vehicle.

Is Motorcycle Insurance a Requirement?

If you live in Uniontown, OH, and you’ve just purchased a new motorcycle, you are likely very proud. Driven safely, a motorcycle can provide its owners with a very exciting and thrilling ride. One thing that you must keep in mind is that motorcycles don’t offer the protection that cars and other vehicles do, so safety must be a top priority. You might be wondering if you need to purchase insurance coverage for your new motorcycle. Is motorcycle insurance a requirement? Here’s the answer to your question and more. 

You Don’t Need Insurance to Purchase a Motorcycle

While you’re still in the phase where you are searching for a motorcycle to purchase, insurance isn’t required. It isn’t required to make the actual purchase of the motorcycle, so if you don’t plan to ride it right away, there’s no need to worry about purchasing motorcycle insurance. 

You Must Obtain Proper Motorcycle Insurance Before Riding

Once you have purchased your new motorcycle, and you’re ready to ride it, it is required that you purchase adequate insurance. If you’re caught riding your motorcycle on Ohio roads without proof of adequate coverage, you will be ticketed. You could also lose your license plate, have your driver’s license suspended for up to 90 days, or face one or more other possible consequences. If you don’t have motorcycle insurance, contact us at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, as we can provide you with insurance to prevent suffering any of these consequences. 

So, if you’re a Uniontown, OH resident, and you’ve just purchased a motorcycle, be sure to obtain adequate insurance coverage prior to riding it. If you’re in need of a new insurance provider, you should consider us. At Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, we take customer service to the next level by providing quality services as well as affordable rates. Give us a call today for a quote.

Why All Boaters Should Be Protected With Boat Insurance

Going out on a boat is a great way to get together with people and have a relaxing time. Boats are perfect for fishing, skiing, or just hanging out and watching the sunset. If you own a boat, however, you also face a number of possible risks that can happen both on the water and on land. Every boat owner should have boat insurance in order to mitigate those risks. To get boat insurance for your craft, call us at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC in Uniontown, OH. 

Accidents on the Water

Boating accidents are fairly common. They can be highly expensive when you’re at fault for an accident, and you end up owing for the other party’s damage repairs and medical bills. It’s essential to always have a boat policy for as long as you own your boat. There are so many problems that can happen out on the water that you need to have at least liability coverage in your policy. You may also want to have collision coverage in your policy to pay for the repairs to your own boat. The bills after a boating accident can be extremely high. This may mean severe financial problems if your boat isn’t covered. Getting boat insurance is the smart move for all boat owners. 

Problems on Land

There are also a lot of risks that a boat faces when it’s on land. To make sure that your boat is always protected, you can get comprehensive coverage in your policy. This mitigates many risks that exist on land such as accidents and theft. If you don’t have this coverage, it could mean high repair bills or even having to pay for a replacement for the boat. 

Get Boat Insurance

To make sure you’re covered against these boating risks and more, call us at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC in Uniontown, OH. 

Should I get umbrella insurance for my small business even if my business is still relatively new?

Most people know very little about umbrella insurance because they have not used it before. It offers wide protections, and the policy maximums may seem too big for a small business. When you purchase an umbrella policy for your Uniontown, OH small business, Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC will commonly offer protection for a minimum of $1 million.

Small Business & Umbrella Insurance

Some small businesses don’t have much in the way of assets yet. That $1 million amount is far more than the business expects to make in the first year or even in the first 5 years. However, you may want to think about how an umbrella policy could be the key to giving your new business the freedom to grow.

If someone is injured on your business property or because of one of your products or services, they will probably file a claim against your company. Your insurance company may have to pay out on the claim up to your policy limits. However, your protection ends as soon as you hit that maximum.

So say your maximum coverage is $100,000 for personal injuries, and several people get injured in one accident; Even though you didn’t mean to do anything wrong, you are suddenly responsible for all of those medical bills, medications, physical therapy, time off from work, and even legal fees. If you have an umbrella policy, it will kick in as soon as your regular insurance maxes out. 

We Are Here To Help

If you have a good advisor, you have already separated your personal finances from your business. But without an umbrella policy, one accident could wipe out your entire business. If you want to add extra protection to your Uniontown, OH small business, call Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC today.

Is It Time to Add a Flood Insurance Policy to Your Portfolio?

Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC is proud to help our friends and neighbors in the Uniontown, OH area with all of their flood insurance needs. If you’re wondering if it’s time to get a flood policy, we’re here to answer any questions you have. 

We’re Here to Answer All of Your Flood Insurance Questions

Flood insurance is often a mystery for many homeowners. If your property isn’t located in a flood plane and if flood insurance isn’t required by your lender, it can be difficult to know if it’s right for you. Fortunately, your team of local insurance agents is here to help.

There are a number of different reasons why flood insurance is a smart thing to have. If your property is located in a low-lying area that receives a lot of heavy rainstorms, it’s time to look into obtaining a flood insurance policy. Another benefit is the additional coverage it offers above and beyond your primary homeowner’s policy.

Most homeowners’ policies have a lot of exclusions when it comes to water damage. You might be surprised to learn what types of damage your primary policy excludes. This is why it’s an important step to take to review your current policy at least once a year.

Once you’re clear on what your primary policy doesn’t cover, you can start working on closing up any gaps you have in protection. A flood insurance policy is usually the first step to ensure full coverage for your property. 

Give us a call or stop by today!

When it comes to insurance help, you can count on our team here at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC. We’re proud to serve the insurance needs of the greater Uniontown, OH area. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

What is the advantage of having condo insurance in Ohio?

If you are looking for a new place to live in the Uniontown, OH area, getting a condo can be a great option to consider. There are a lot of benefits that come with condo ownership, which can include having a stable and consistent place to live without having the same maintenance obligations that come with owning a single-family property. If you do get a condo, you also need to have condo insurance for a variety of reasons. 

Comply with Agreements

You will need to get condo insurance to ensure you remain in good standing with all requirements. Those that are going to buy a condo will more than likely take out a mortgage. When this happens, you need to follow any regulations set by your lender, which will include getting condo insurance. Further, you will need to have coverage to meet standards that are set by your home association. 

Protect Yourself

It is also a good idea to get condo insurance to ensure you are able to protect yourself. There are a lot of risks that can come with owning a condo. These can include the risk of damage to your dwelling or personal assets or being named liable for damages in an accident. In either situation, you can benefit by having a condo insurance plan as it will give coverage to help mitigate these risks. 

Reach Out To Us

It is always important that you get a proper condo insurance plan for your home in the Uniontown, OH area. When you are ready to start looking for coverage, you should call our professionals with Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC. At Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, we understand the value of this coverage and will provide any support that you need to create a plan that will meet your needs.