How Home Security Systems Influence Your Insurance

Home security systems have improved exponentially since their introduction in the 1970s. What began as extra security measures in department stores and banks through the use of cameras has become a common fixture in many homes today. Not only are these security systems ideal for keeping intruders out, but they can also positively impact your insurance premium. So, how can home security systems save you money? Below are some key reasons to consider installing one on your Uniontown, OH, property in the near future.

Reduces the Risk of Burglaries

The primary reason for installing a home security system is to prevent crimes from occurring in and on your property. Many state-of-the-art systems have motion detectors that sense when someone is within close proximity to your home. When these detectors are activated, you will either receive an alert on your mobile device or be notified by your security company.

Protects You from Liability Claims

Some home security systems come equipped with video surveillance. This means that if someone were to become injured on your property—such as by slipping—there would be proof that you were not liable for the injury.

Discounts May Be Available

Some Uniontown, OH, insurance companies may offer discounts to policyholders who add this extra security measure to their homes. Each insurance provider may have different discounts or requirements regarding these systems, so it’s best to contact a local insurance agent, such as Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, for more information.

Have Questions? Contact Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC

At Bonvenuto Financial Group, we understand how stressful selecting the right insurance coverage can be. Our knowledgeable agents are here to answer your questions, including any you may have regarding home security systems in the Uniontown, OH area. Call us today!

Beyond Just The House: Other Things Home Insurance Protects

When the topic of home insurance arises, people often conjure images of protection against damages from fires, storms, or other disastrous events affecting their physical dwellings. Nonetheless, a comprehensive home insurance policy from Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, based in Uniontown, OH, provides much more than structural coverage. It’s crucial for homeowners to comprehend the full array of protections their policy offers, including these major ones:

Personal Property Coverage: Securing Your Belongings

A vital component of any home insurance policy is personal property coverage, which typically insures against the loss of or damage to your belongings. This coverage can shield items such as furniture, electronics, and clothing against a variety of hazards, including theft, fire, and smoke damage. While some policies cover your possessions only when they’re at your Uniontown, OH residence, at Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, we frequently advocate for ‘worldwide coverage’ that extends beyond your residence.

Liability Protection: Shields Against the Unexpected

Personal liability coverage provides a financial safety net should someone become injured on your property or if you (or a family member) are held responsible for damaging another person’s property. It can cover medical bills, legal fees, and other expenses arising from covered incidents, which can include anything from common accidents on the property to more unusual cases such as defamation lawsuits and dog bites.

Additional Living Expenses: Support in Unforeseen Circumstances

In the unfortunate event that your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered disaster, the ‘additional living expenses’ coverage section of your policy may help cover the cost of temporary housing and additional expenses like food.

Ensure You Have The Protections You Need

It’s wise to examine your home insurance policy carefully to ensure it offers the necessary coverage. Contact us to speak with one of our experienced agents if you require assistance.

The Importance of Having Your Roof Inspected After the Winter Months Are Over

It is recommended that you have your roof inspected at least once a year. If you live in a region that has freezing winters filled with ice and snow, it is strongly recommended that you have a roof inspection completed after the winter months are over. Here at  Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC, providing home insurance to the greater Uniontown, OH region, we want to help our customers care for their homes. 

The Importance of Having Your Roof Inspected After the Winter Months Are Over

The winter months can be rough on your roof. Ice and snow can weigh on your roof, damaging the roofing materials themselves, as well as the trusses and supports that hold up the weight of your roof. If storms caused damage to your roof, you may be able to file a home insurance claim to recover some of the costs associated with the repairs.

And even if the costs cannot be covered by home insurance, knowing that your roof is damaged and having that damage repaired can help prevent other issues in the future, such as roof leaks. 

Having your roof inspected helps to catch any problems that winter weather may have caused, so you can file a home insurance claim to have your roof fixed or make the repairs to your roof out of pocket. Having the right insurance is vital in case you ever need to file a home insurance claim.

Give Us A Call

If you are looking to obtain a new home insurance policy in the greater Uniontown, OH region, please reach out to us at  Bonvenuto Financial Group LLC to get help finding the ideal home insurance policy for your needs.